

What is CONNi4?

  • CONNi4 is a collaboration between the University of Connecticut and the State Department of Education to support schools with implementing DBI to increase the reading performance of all third-grade students with disabilities statewide.

What is DBI?

  • DBI is team-based approach for providing intensive intervention to students with and without disabilities who are having difficulty meeting grade level expectations.
  • DBI is a systematic process where members of school teams work together to make data-based decisions to develop an intervention plan that is aligned to each individual student’s strengths and needs.

Who is on a DBI team?

  • Individuals who may be part of a DBI team include District Leaders, Principals, Special Education Teachers, Interventionists, Literacy Coaches, Speech Language Pathologists, and School Psychologists.

How can DBI benefit my child?

  • DBI is supported by extensive research that shows it is effective.
  • Members of the DBI team have expertise in analyzing data and making instructional decisions that lead to student success in school and life.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

  • Contact the school principal and/or the individual(s) who provide intervention services to your child.