
Participation allows for job-embedded professional development aligned with the State Systemic Improvement Plan Indicator 17 and the IEP in CT-SEDs.  DBI allows for the systematic implementation of intensive intervention and intentional alignment of high impact educational practices. 


During CONNi4 PD, school teams:

    • examine data using CONNi4’s structured protocol designed in collaboration with schools across CT.
    • work with UConn coaches to use the protocol to improve instruction for students with reading difficulty.
    • meet regularly as a team to examine data using CONNi4’s graphing system and plan instructional adaptations to accelerate progress .
    • plan to maintain, sustain, and scale up this system to benefit students who need intensive intervention and the staff who serve them.


CONNi4 aligns with team-based problem solving. It allows for alignment of all tiers of instruction to meet students’ individualized needs. It uses the progress monitoring part of CT-SEDS—making use of new system easier for special education teachers.

Email us at to learn more about how your district can increase student reading achievement and receive access to new tools and resources to support you with data-based decision making and complement current practices.